When it comes to politics I'm generally at a loss. I understand the fundamentals of the political practice of Australia. But when it comes to the 'nitty-gritty' on the parliament house floor, I'm completely lost. And when it comes to the seemingly pointless arguments that erupt on a regular basis, I'm even more confused. It seems like a lot of small dick energy in one room to me.
For this reason, I'm thankful for content creators like Friendly Jordies (Jordan Shanks). A political and cultural commentary channel based in Australia. The man is a genius in my mind, one who is not afraid to go for the jugular of doggy politicians. Calling out the shit fuckery of the Australian political system, explaining all the finer details that the everyday viewer (like myself) would have missed or not understood in the first place.
Sure he might be a little crass, aggressive and has a twisted sense of humour that is rooted in a very heavy dose of 'good-old' Australian sarcasm. But that is the reason why his content is entertaining and relevant. He is not governed by a media corporation guideline, big advertising, editors or the options of a board of directors. This gives Jordan full licence to target and criticises any wanker he so chooses to.
Over the last six months, the selection of government and lawmakers in the Friendly Jordies firing line has been the leading party of NSW, liberal and national coalition. In particular their dark overlord, Gladys Berejiklian. Or the Koala Killer, the name that Jordan has campaigned aggressively with since the devastating bushfires, botched freeway development plans and quarry expansion approvals. With no consideration for the survival of the Koala population in NSW. It's clear that Miss Berejiklian has zero fucks for the fluffy Australian icon. She has repeatedly opted in favour of private-sector gains and development that is destroying Australians bushland at an alarming rate.
Along with a brilliant campaign by Friendly Jordies to highlight all the wrongdoing of the NSW Premier. Jordie has also set his sights on the leader of National Party and Deputy Premier, the clown of NSW, John Barilaro. For the purpose of this article, we will refer to him as Giovanni, in honour of Jordan. Friendly Jordies highlights Giovanni’s often aggressive and reactionary actions when it comes to any criticism the leader experiences. Jordie showcases the man's entire lack of credentials and experience to hold the job of National Party leader. It's almost like he is Australia's little Trump, an uneducated white man in a position of power because he talks a good game with the boys. It really is scary how reflective Australia can be when it comes to America.
Jordie has slammed Giovanni's shady dealings that have led to his personal financial gain. Highlighting his favouritism when it comes to handing out government funding in the millions to his mates and coalition seats and the fact that the man has no idea when it comes to politics and legislation. Often impersonating the Nationals leader in a caricature of a bogan Australian Marie?, which Mr Barilaro finds highly offensive.
But the crowning jewel in Friendly Jordies crusade against Giovanni came yesterday morning. Wrapped up in a neat little present, called Bruz. This video was the checkmate of political satire and a brilliant move by Jordan.
I will only briefly run through the details because the masterpiece deserves to be watched in its 26-minute entirety.
The video starts much the same as any of Friendly Jordies content. Followed by some witty banter introducing the material and setting up some harsh criticism for Giovanni. Jordan takes on a mob boss persona, smugly walking around a mansion where he crafts his takedown. He poses the question to Giovanni; can he prove he is not the slimy Italian character Jordan perceives him to be. Jordan then goes on the offensive, describing the shady dealings of the leader in detail, including issues like:
This was the moment you started to see Jordan's plan come together. After a solid 20 minutes of slamming Giovanni with facts and well-formed comedy. Jordan pulled the biggest boss move that even his enemy should be impressed by. Jordan calls on Giovanni to bring FACTS to the table that disprove his claims of corruption. Pointing out how Giovanni managed to afford a purchase of a second home, that is a multi-million dollar estate, on the wage of a state minister. What slimy deals did Giovanni action to build his wealth?
Commenting on how nice the estate layout is with it's two extra guest houses, before revealing he was filming from Mr Barilaro's estate,
" I'm filming at your estate, and I want you to be the first to know, I fucked in both your guest houses."
Jordan then poses the comparison between the dirty actions he has taken on the estate (sexual in nature I'm assuming), are not nearly as dirty as the ones Giovanni has taken to own it.
FUCK YES, that is Dynasty level revenge. Jordan forked out a lot of money (around $1,850 a night) to rent out Giovanni’s estate and air out the man's dirty laundry in his own front yard.
A round of applause to Friendly Jordies, you are a master at political satire and a king of fucking with slimy politicians who deserve this level of scrutiny.
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